The Directorate of Sericulture, Assam is going for the release of Assam Sericulture Admit Card 2021 for Grade IV in a total of 180 Posts, after selecting the rightful, meritorious, and eligible candidates from all over Assam.
The Directorate of Sericulture, Assam will provide their Assam Sericulture Admit Card OR call letter online for the applicants who submitted their application from the date of 20th January to 3rd February 2021. The applicants need not worry about it only they have to download it from our webpage and the link is below go check it out.
Sericulture Exam has been Postponed
It is for information of all concern that in pursuance of this office notice, the written test for the post of Grade-IV under the Directorate of Sericulture, Assam scheduled to be held on 28th February 2021 from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM is hereby postponed due to unavoidable circumstances until further order. The next date of examination will be notified separately through the official website.
Assam Sericulture Admit Card 2021 details
Name of the Department: The Directorate of Soil Conservation, Assam
Name of the Vacancies: Grade IV Posts
Total No of Vacancies: 180 Posts
- Head Quarter- 04
- District/ Sub-Division- 176
Admit Card Release Date: 24th February 2021
Type of Examination: Written Exam (MCQs)
Examination Language: Assamese and English
Date of Examination: 28th February 2021 (Sunday)
Time of Examination: 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Duration of Exam: 2 Hours (120 Minutes)
Examination Centre/Venue: This information will provide on candidates admit card
Important Points for Sericulture Examination
Candidates must bring the ADMIT CARD with them on the day of examination along with valid identification proof (Driving License/Voter Id/Aadhar Card/PAN card/Passport/any other Government recognized photo identification).
Candidate must bring their own ball-point pen (black or blue), pencil, eraser, sharpener etc. with them.
Candidate must report in the venue at least 90 minutes before the prescribed examination time to enable authorities to follow the Covid-19 protocol as announced by the Government. Details provided in Instructions to be strictly followed.Wearing of mask is compulsory.
No candidate shall be allowed to enter the Examination Hall after the commencement of the examination.
Mobile Phones, Smart/Analog Watches, Calculators of any model or other communication devices, Bags/ Handbags/ Baggage are strictly prohibited in the Examination Venue. Authorities will not be responsible for the safe custody of any such items.
how to Download Sericulture Admit Card
The candidate who successfully submitted their application for Assam Sericulture Recruitment 2021 for Grade IV 180 Post .they is now able to download the admit card/ hall ticket by following the below-given steps.
- Scroll down and check The Important Link‘s section.
- Click on Sericulture Admit Card Link.
- A new tab will open, enter your application id & date of birth and click submit.
- Now, you will find admit card download option. Simply, click on that option and take the print out of your admit card
Important dates of Sericulture Admit Card
Admit Card Release Date: | 24th February 2021 |
Date of the Exam: |
Important link of Sericulture Admit Card
Sericulture Admit Card Link | CLICK HERE |
Download seat plan (Zone Wise) | CLICK HERE |
Download Exam Cancelled Notice | CLICK HERE |
Visit the Recruitment Page | CLICK HERE |
Visit official website | CLICK HERE |
Selection Process of Sericulture Assam Recruitment
The first Merit Lists will be prepared on the marks scored on OMR based written examination (Reasoning Numerical Aptitude, History, Geography, English, General Knowledge: 100 marks of 2 hours.
There will be ONE merit 1st for the post category wise i.e. Unreserved, OBC/MOBC, SC, ST(P|. ST(H) & EWS separately for male and female as per vacancies for different posts for the entire State.
The select list shall be published in two widely c rculated news paper and website of the Directorate.
There will be % (half) negative mark for each wrong answer.
in case of a tie in marks, the candidate older In age will be placed higher In the merit list.
Further, candidates havmg same date of birth and have obtained equal marks, the candidate scoring higher marks in the minimum essential qualification for the post will be placed higher In the merit list. In case after following up the methods above for tie/ date of birth etc, some criteria arises, the Committee of the Directorate shall decide judiciously/ as per norms.
Candidates belonging to PwD shall be given 15 minutes extra time for the written test.